Leveraging Video Press Releases
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video press release

Press releases are a great way to get attention, so why not get even more exposure by creating a video press release

Video news releases, aka the video press release, is just that - a video version of your standard paper press release.  Synchronized with your existing marketing and advertising plan, video press releases can increase your sales, enhance your digital image and reach new audiences.  VPR's can have customer testimonials,  interviews with experts or spokespeople, or product demos depending on your need and all can generate enormous exposure for your brand online.

In August 2012, 87.3% of the US Internet audience watched online video content reaching 188 million Internet users (comScore August 2012 U.S. Online Video Rankings).  Most PR professionals will tell you that video is the up-and-coming star when it comes to delivering news.  The bold prediction that 90% of all web traffic will be video in the next few years should just encourage you to get into the action.  Adding video to your PR strategy increases the likelihood of media pickup.  And remember too, while big brands may be pitching their video news content to major TV networks, content can also be published online for consumers and shared via the web.  You can also re-purposed and embed your video into standard press releases with some media outlets - check on each wire service's video guidelines.

There are a variety of choices for how your video press release can look.  We can work with you to create the right combination of video excerpts, photos, supporting text, inspiring music and animated logos.  An engaging video will generate the most interest and be shared more - and more and more media outlets are asking for video.  Get your message out by leveraging video press releases for your message.

For more info on using video in your PR strategy check out our post
"What is B-Roll? (And why is it important for your company’s PR?)"