Banana, Nutella and Chantilly.
Ah, Paris.
We recently flew to France to do event photography for a long-time client. We were sort of close to Paris (a 4-hour train trip), so we figured we had to go. It rained pretty much the whole week we visited, but we did capture some great images in and around the City of Paris with our new Canon 5D mark iii.
The new Canon has gotten great reviews and with it's 22.3 megapixel full-frame CMOS sensor and extremely wide ISO range, we give it two thumbs up, especially when shooting in dim light situations (think The Louvre or The Catacombs). (And yes, we did take one of those iconic images of the pyramid and the courtyard à la The Da Vinci Code. We couldn't help it.)
We also took a side trip to the Palace of Versailles and, while the gardens were sleeping for the winter, got a really good idea of just how big the place is after walking from the main Palance to Marie Antoinette's Estate. (The map says its a 15-minute walk, but the French must walk a lot faster because it took us 35 minutes. That was right after the hail came down in the Garden...)
All-in-all it was a great trip. We didn't get lost in The Louvre, our trains were always on-time and there was cheese everywhere. How can you go wrong in a country that has cheese at every meal?
Want to see more images from Paris?
View our SmugMug Gallergy HERE.