Friday Photo of the Week

Baby Amie smiling for the camera, Photography by Miceli Productions

Baby Amie smiling for the camera
© Miceli Productions Photography

It's a Friday; it's March the 1st; and it's my Dad's birthday!
So today's as good a day as any to start Miceli Productions' Weekly Friday Photo.

Each Friday we'll post a pic from our body of work - some recent, some from the archive - as a way of sharing our favorite images with the folks that follow us.  Sometimes they'll be images that just didn't get out into the world because they were captured only for a client; sometimes they'll be pics of the fascinating places we've been; and sometimes they'll be the people we know best - our family, friends and clients.  Please enjoy.  And if you see something you like, don't forget that many of our images are available thru our Smug Mug Portfolio.

Beauty of Life, Photography by Miceli Productions

Beauty of Life
© Miceli Productions Photography

And to lead off, we'll do two images because we just can't help ourselves due to
the tremendous cuteness. The "before" and "after" of Baby Amie.