Miceli Team Launches TripShow at Startup Weekend Stamford

Startup Weekend is an intense 54-hour event which focuses on building a web or mobile application which could form the basis of a credible business. The weekend brings together people with different skill sets – primarily software developers, graphics designers and business people – to build applications and develop a commercial case around them.

This weekend March 30 - April 1, 2012, Mike Miceli and his brother Jason Miceli are attending Startup Weekend Stamford at the Stamford Innovation Center to develop their new app TripShow. TripShow automatically pulls all your photos and videos together and then segments them according to location and time frame. It can add dynamic music based on the type of trip and creates title slides showing each day and location of the action, all automatically. TripShow will even add "motion maps" showing where you went and mix them with your media. Just choose your trip's date range and presto - a story-driven video masterpiece!  Turn your mobile device into a virtual videographer.

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