Using Video Content For Special Events

Developing video content for your special event can enhance the audience experience.  Capture comments or well-wishes from people that can't appear in person.  Re-purpose your footage before the event for generating excitement and after the event for fundraising, memory making or to share with a wider audience.

There are a variety of tools in our video tool box that we can help you use.  Keep in mind - many of these make your event more polished and cutting edge, while some are necessary, especially, say, if you're using a very large room like a stadium or concert hall.

1) iMAG.  IMAG refers to image magnification.  Think Academy Awards where the presenter is projected onto a screen for the poor smucks that got stuck in the back of the room.  Screens are set up in the font of the room, and cameras are used to project the large, live image of the speaker/singer/actor onto the screen for all to see.  This gives the audience a better view and ensures that everyone can see the emotion on their face.

Image courtesy of The Defining Photo

2)  Videos of people that can't be at the event.  This comes in handy for those super-busy, overbooked but awesome people that you want at your event, but can't get because of schedule conflicts.  Send a camera crew, get iPhone video or capture a Skype call - all are different qualities, so choose wisely - but all will accomplish the goal of having that person appear on video at your event.  You can have them introduce so-and-so or wish the outgoing President well.  Edit it together with other clips or flashy graphics and project it for all to see.

3) Re-purposing your content BEFORE your event.  If you can schedule acquisition of your footage in advance of your event, you can use it to generate excitement by posting clips or teasers on social media or your blog.  You can send out e-invitations with video links, or you can use it to advertise.  Video content can propel your event to success!

4) Re-purposing your content AFTER your event.  If you use your content after your event, you can add footage of the live event and send out clips via web download or DVD to your attendees as exclusive keepsakes.  Or you can keep the event 'alive' by posting footage on social media, generating even more support for it.  Also keep in mind that if you're a non-profit or this is an event for a cause, ALL your content can be re-purposed and edited into a fundraising video. 

Remember: you should get the most from your video investment by using your footage in every way you can!

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