Take a Step Back from Technology and Engage for Real

Social media has become an integral part of our lives. Many of us can’t go to bed without checking out the day’s Facebook statuses. During the day, we are Tweeting, Facebook-ing, or Instagramming during our lunches. Not to mention, “checking in” everywhere we go with FourSquare. RSS feeds are linked into our phones, and the second we hear that “ding”, it takes all the willpower we have not to check it immediately. And what about that Starbucks app? You know, the one that rings every time you drive by one?Little girl being twirled by her Dad. Bridge between Ottawa and Gatineau, Quebec from above the Rideau. Canada. © Miceli Productions Photography

We are essentially plugged in 24 hours a day. We want to engage and be engaging, and be highly "social", but only in the privacy of our own homes, wearing our pajamas, watching bad TV, or huddled in our cubicle, not actually speaking or interacting with a live human being in person. We broadcast our lives to the world, yet there are days when we might not actually speak to a person. Not a text. Not a status update. Not a Tweet. You know, with your voice.

What if we took the time to unplug? What if you went to an outing without your phone? What if you actually spoke to real, live people, in a room, maybe with food and beverages? What if we socialized and networked the old-fashioned way?

If networking is really about making connections, there is no greater connection to be made than a face to face conversation. Social media is fantastic and addicting. It is so much easier to text or email than call. And we all know that everyone wants to see pictures of our food, or shoes, or kids (okay, maybe not).

Take the time to socialize and network one on one. Knowing that you aren’t checking your phone and your calendar every five minutes dramatically shifts the intent of personal contact. It makes your client feel special. And really, what if we did this in our personal lives too? Being present at an event you are attending, experiencing the event in the present moment, is often more rewarding that taking that cell phone video.

Do a little experiment. Call one of your clients from a land line. Arrange to meet for coffee, or lunch, or whatever. And then go! Leave your mobile device on your desk. Just walk away and meet that client. Face to face. Eat some food. Drink some coffee. Engage your client and make that connection, for real.

Got a project in mind?  We always answer our phone, live, in person.
Give us a call (203) 936-7761.