Why Do You Need an Expert Photographer?
The Simple Secret on Why You Need an Expert Photographer

Professional photography can elevate your image — and your business.

Consider two scenarios. In both of them, you’re trying to find a doctor in your area. You do a search on the internet and you come up with two different specialists who are both equally close to you.

However, one has a professional website with a great photograph of himself and a description to match. You can see from the photo that he looks friendly, warm and professional at the same time. He’s well-groomed, well-dressed and smiling. Vein-Centers-Full-Group-Comp

Obviously, the photograph was taken by a professional. But you don’t know that. And it doesn’t even matter to you. All you see is a doctor that you can trust and feel comfortable with.

Hugh Laurie
Dr. House? Maybe not so scary, but not for your professional website.

The other doctor is also close to you but his photo is grainy and badly lit. It looks like a selfie you might take and put up on Facebook. It’s too casual-looking and doesn’t have that professional feel you saw in the first one. 

Now which of these two doctors would you eventually decide to go with? 99% of people would go with the first one. So why do you need an expert photographer? Appearances do matter. And professional photography for business can help you to put your best foot forward.

Photography, Layout and Writing

Professional photography is not just useful to doctors. A high-quality image for people in any professional field can create a sense of trust and reliability with the viewer. Doctors do need to create a certain professional image of themselves... and so do financial professionals, lawyers, scientists, mortgage brokers, insurance professionals, bankers, salon owners, builders... the list goes on! Really, to put your best foot forward in any profession, it’s important for individuals in any public facing position to come across as reliable and trustworthy. A well-taken professional photo can make that happen.

Website layout with professional photography by Miceli Productions
Website layout from a Client with professional photography by Miceli Productions PHOTO + VIDEO.

Remember, no matter what kind of product you might be selling or what type of service you might provide, you need to maintain your image. Professional photography can help you do this. You can use professional photographs for your website, marketing materials, print advertisements, fliers, brochures, catalogues, social media pages — anywhere you are presenting the face of your business. In each case, you’ll find that the overall feel of your marketing content improves when you use professional photos.

Of course, it’s also important to find a good designer to do the layout for all these items and you’ll also need a good content writer or copywriter to make sure that you’re sending the right message to your customers. But the photograph is always of paramount importance because it’s what the customer sees first, before they sit down to read anything else.

The Human Touch — Going That Extra Step

Consider this as well: You can get a great professional photograph of just the item or items you’re selling. In this case, it’s always a good idea to look at the overall composition of the photograph. A photo which just features that thing might come across as a bit boring. After all, who wants to look at a photo of a blender with no one using it... or a chair that no one is sitting in... or an item of clothing by itself?

Product photography by Miceli Productions, Hartford, CT
Runkz Tank, photo by Miceli Productions.

It’s usually nicer and more appealing when there’s a human being in the picture using an item! Plus, it also helps when that person appears to be having a good time using that item. This lends the photograph a positive human touch which it would not otherwise have one. Your customers can imagine how the item might be used and that is a powerful marketing tool.

Whisky photo. Lifestyle photography and still life by Miceli Productions.As an alternative, it’s also possible to combine two or three inanimate items to create a “still life” type of representation, such as a photo of a card stuck with magnets on a refrigerator or a vase filled with flowers standing on a table. In these representations, the human touch is still there. The customer can imagine a person sticking that card on the refrigerator with the magnet or placing that vase of flowers on the table. An expert photographer can discuss the design of your images with you to get the best possible representation of your items, products or ideas.

Key takeaway? The idea is to present the customer with an image that they can relate to. They should be able to imagine themselves in that outfit or living in those surroundings. The more relatable, the more successful the photograph.

Need an expert photographer? We can help and we provide free quotes. Contact us for more information on using professional photograph for your business needs.

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