6 Excellent Benefits of Video Customer Testimonials
6 Excellent Benefits of Video Customer Testimonials

Generate #LOVE for your brand with video customer testimonials.

One of the quickest ways to earn your audience's trust and build your brand's credibility is to upload customer testimonial videos. Trust and credibility are important elements in the buying process. A person is more likely to convert when they trust you and perceive your brand as credible. Let someone that has had a positive experience with you share the benefits of working with you! Existing customers can get to the heart of the real-world positives of your product in a way you can never really do for yourself. Give your sales process a leg-up by letting them speak for your business. Continue reading to learn how video customer testimonials can benefit your company.

Gain Exposure

Good video testimonials can increase a person's interest in your business to the point that they share it with others on social media. People are also more inclined to share videos than text-based content. That means a video testimonial is more likely to be shared than a text-based customer testimonial. Ideally, you should have both -- text-based content + sharable video testimonials makes for great SEO and social marketing.Walt Disney Customer Service Quote

Increase Credibility

Video testimonials add credibility to your business because people naturally feel more trusting when they can see the customer giving the testimonial as well as witness them speak about your product or service. They can observe the person's facial expressions and behavior in the testimonial while listening to their voice. These important visual cues cannot be replicated through text and images. (Note: this is also why choosing the right customer to give your testimonials is key.) Remember, the camera sees all the small details, so customer testimonials by individuals that are well-spoken and passionate about your brand are key.

Humanize Your Brand

When a customer visits your website, they are not face-to-face with sales associates like they are when they walk inside a brick and mortar store. To meet a 'face', they usually have to click on your "about us" page. That tiny picture of you doesn't really have the same effect as an employee greeting them when they walk through the door. A way to humanize your brand online is to add customer video testimonials to your website. (Note: It's also best practice to have a great company homepage video.)

Jim Rohn Customer Service Quote

Trigger Emotion in Your Audience

Another benefit of video customer testimonials: they trigger emotion in your audience. A video testimonial will help show them how your business can solve their problems and why you are the best choice for helping them. The way they do this is by capturing a satisfied customer that is passionate about the solution you present. Purchase decisions are largely emotional, even if the customer is taking the time to consider their options. Hearing from real people who have tried the product, or service, appeals to the emotions more than reading a page of copy because there is empathic synergy. Although you can create emotion with text, it's easier to connect with a live person speaking. And if your business uses both, it's double the impact.

Increase the Confidence of Potential Customers

Video testimonials increase the confidence that potential customers have in your brand and product. If another customer was happy enough with your service to create a video testimonial for your brand, then a new customer can make the assumption that you're credible. That's how potential customers see it. They will think about whether or not your business would be a right match for them too. The more they can relate to the customer in the video, the more likely they will be to think your solution is best for their problem.

Appeal to Multiple Customer Segments

Another great benefit of video customer testimonials? You can provide the perspective of numerous customers who fit into different customer segments. This allows you to quickly appeal to multiple customer segments because video customer testimonials are typically short, so visitors will watch more than one. When it comes to the written word, you often need to write separate pages for each target market for best results. With video testimonials you can post and share in numerous places and keyword appropriately to easily reach multiple customer segments.


There are many types of videos you can use in your video marketing. Testimonials are a great return on investment. Because you may not commonly see video testimonials on other websites, you may have dismissed this marketing method. Yet, video customer testimonials are a powerful way to boost your credibility, increase conversions, and humanize your brand.

Contact us for help with filming effective video customer testimonials that will trigger emotion inside your target audience.

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