You Need a Great Head Shot:
3 Solid Reasons to Invest in a Pro
A fancy head shot is not something reserved for aspiring actors or high-profile business executives. It is a valuable asset that can and should be used by all professionals in order to enhance their overall professional image and more importantly, their brand identity. Yes, even someone who is a freelancer or self-employed business owner should consider investing in an award-winning, eye-catching head shot and in this post, we will explain the top three reasons why doing just that is so important.
Head Shot Portrait Photo by Miceli Productions. A Head Shot Can Be Leveraged on Multiple Platforms: Thanks to the advent of the internet and plentiful use of social media, head shots no longer must be contained to printed marketing literature or business cards. It can be used extensively all over the internet and across multiple platforms. Just one head shot can be used across literally every single social media platform that you use including Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google among many others. Your head shot can also be showcased on your portfolio or business website. Additionally, it should be noted that when you use a professional head shot on every social media platform you use, you are successfully building consistency. And consistency is necessary to establish a ubiquitous, recognizable, and powerful brand identity.
- "A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words": Beautiful imagery is a great way to tell a story without having to use a single word. Everything from the lighting to the angles to the background and most importantly the focal point of the image (the person), tells a genuinely unique, one-of-a-kind story. Having a strong, flawless head shot is an excellent way to give people who see it for the first time a winning first impression. It's also a good way for viewers of your head shot to get a more accurate sense of who you are if they haven't met you yet. Working with a talented, professional photographer will allow you to collaborate on creating a head shot that depicts your professionalism, personality, and personal story. Not only is this giving people who see your head shot a better idea of who you are, you'll also be boosting your personal brand strength.
- It's an Investment in More Ways Than One: Remember looking back through all of your embarrassing baby photos or that awkward school picture from your 8th grade year? Or maybe a photo of you and all of your friends on a trip to St. Peters or your wedding. Every image evokes strong emotions and can remind you of who you are. Investing in a professional head shot and reminding yourself of who you are by looking at it can stir up the inner motivation needed to pursue all of your professional goals with greater empowerment. Aside from the emotional investment, the monetary investment you make in it is also quite powerful. Though getting a high quality head shot can be a bit pricey, it's well worth paying more for better quality. Having a great head shot for your customers, target audience, future employers, and colleagues to see will increase your potential to develop stronger business relations or job opportunities. Having a stunning head shot could determine whether or not you land that big client or get hired for you dream job. And investing in a professional head shot can also make your networking endeavors more successful, leading you to more promising career growth.
Need a Great Head Shot? Want to learn about more of the benefits that come from investing in high quality, professional head shots? Don't hesitate to contact us today! Our team is passionate about helping business professionals of all kinds strengthen their brand, marketing strategies, and overall business operations with the best photos and video content.