QR codes are everywhere. They are fun. They are interactive. And most of the time, they are not being used to their potential. Here are a few ways to use them for your business. Put QR codes on the back of your company uniform. Instead of names on name tags for networking events, use QR… Continue reading 13 Fun Ways to Use QR Codes for Your Business
Tag: marketing
Friday Photo of the Week – Headshots
Want more images and Photography by Miceli Productions? Follow us on PinterestFor Advertising, Fashion, Product, Travel, Corporate, Portrait, Nature, Fine Art. We recently had the pleasure of capturing headshot photos for actor Casie Pepe-Winshell at our new shooting space. Check out her pics below. Whether you need headshot images because you’re an actor, model, singer… Continue reading Friday Photo of the Week – Headshots
Take a Step Back from Technology and Engage for Real
Social media has become an integral part of our lives. Many of us can’t go to bed without checking out the day’s Facebook statuses. During the day, we are Tweeting, Facebook-ing, or Instagramming during our lunches. Not to mention, “checking in” everywhere we go with FourSquare. RSS feeds are linked into our phones, and the… Continue reading Take a Step Back from Technology and Engage for Real
Friday Photo of the Week – Portrait Photography
Want more images and Photography by Miceli Productions? Follow us on PinterestFor Advertising, Fashion, Product, Travel, Corporate, Portrait, Nature, Fine Art. Darko Tresnjak, Portrait© Miceli Productions Photography Portrait Photography Miceli Productions captured these images of Hartford Stage Artistic Director Darko Tresnjak for the 2013 Gala Invitation. “Call it a dayWhen night becomes our mad escapeForgetting… Continue reading Friday Photo of the Week – Portrait Photography
Friday Photo of the Week – Storytelling through Photography
Want more images and Photography by Miceli Productions? Follow us on PinterestFor Advertising, Fashion, Product, Travel, Corporate, Portrait, Nature, Fine Art. © Miceli Productions Photography Storytelling through Photography “Hold onHold onKeep your hand on the plow, hold on. Hold onHold onKeep your hand on the plow, hold on. Heard the voice of Jesus sayCome… Continue reading Friday Photo of the Week – Storytelling through Photography
Lessons Every Person (and Entrepreneur) Should Know
A few days ago, Paul B. Brown, a contributor to Forbes Magazine, published a poignant list: 23 Things Every Entrepreneur Must Know. What we found is that a large part of the list was applicable to life, not just entrepreneurs, and it truly is worth sharing. So, whether you are human, or an entrepreneur, or… Continue reading Lessons Every Person (and Entrepreneur) Should Know
Three Reasons Pinterest is Awesome for Your Business
Surely, you have used Pinterest. You must have seen the gorgeous photography and amazing ideas for life and business. Or, like us, you have spent hours looking at memes. If you don’t have a Pinterest account for your business, you may be missing out. Not only do you have the opportunity to showcase your business… Continue reading Three Reasons Pinterest is Awesome for Your Business
Photo Shoot Art Directed & Produced by Miceli Productions
Last Fall, Miceli Productions was hired by HealthyWage to produce a photo shoot that would capture all the images for their new website. The company offers incentive-based challenges that make weight loss more exciting, focused and accountable. Started 4 years ago by founders David Roddenberry and Jimmy Fleming, HealthyWage has undergone a tremendous amount of… Continue reading Photo Shoot Art Directed & Produced by Miceli Productions
Friday Photo of the Week – Advertising Photography
Want more images and Photography by Miceli Productions? Follow us on PinterestFor Advertising, Fashion, Product, Travel, Corporate, Portrait, Nature, Fine Art. Headphones.© Miceli Productions Photography Headphones – Advertising Photography “She gave it her bestShe tried to fit inShe tried to be coolBut she never could winHer mom says she’s greatThe kids think she’s weirdHonestly she… Continue reading Friday Photo of the Week – Advertising Photography
Miceli Productions Captures Promotional Photos
Miceli Productions recently worked with the Judy Dworin Performance Project to capture photos for promoting their upcoming show The Witching Hour, a fascinating dance-theater piece depicting women and men accused, tried and convicted of witchcraft in mid 17th-century Connecticut. The piece investigates how fears of difference can turn dangerous and what lessons can be learned… Continue reading Miceli Productions Captures Promotional Photos