Friday Photo of the Week – Underwater Photography

Underwater Summer Love© Miceli Productions Photography Underwater Photography Kiss “Looking down into the waterIt’s hard to make out your faceIf our love is drowning, then whyDo I feel so out of place?Bubbling up to the surfaceAre you getting a breath of fresh air?Forever longing to make you mineBut I can’t escape your stare…Liquid seeps into… Continue reading Friday Photo of the Week – Underwater Photography

Friday Photo of the Week

The Cicadas are here!  A Magicicada periodical cicada from Brood II, photographed in Southington, CT on Savage St.  They won’t come out again for another 17 years, that’s not until 2030! 2013 Magicicada Periodical Cicada© Miceli Productions Photography

Video Vocab for Business (part 4 of 4)

Often it seems like people in the world of professional video speak a totally different language that relies heavily on slang for technical and creative concepts. Guilty as charged!  As media professionals we do in fact have a unique vocabulary to what we do.  A basic understanding of video terms helps business owners be informed… Continue reading Video Vocab for Business (part 4 of 4)