We all know what authentic engagement is. We all know that it is important for our business in the realm of social media. But how does a business or brand “authentically engage” their client base? Consider how you engage with businesses and brands. What drives you to engage? Did you “like” the post? Did you… Continue reading Authentic Engagement. Really.
Tag: tag
The New Rules of Google SEO
In the past, SEO (search engine optimization) was all about flooding the back end of your web site with as many keywords as possible. Search engines, like Google, would crawl sites and log the top keywords in order for web sites to be ranked. But Google has changed the rules these days. A lot of… Continue reading The New Rules of Google SEO
3 Tips for Getting Your YouTube Videos Found by Potential Clients
According to recent social media studies, one of the most important ways to rank your video on the major search engines is to integrate tags on your YouTube videos. Tags are linked to keywords and help users and search engines find your videos. YouTube considers “tagging” the first step to ranking your video in search… Continue reading 3 Tips for Getting Your YouTube Videos Found by Potential Clients